Susan Baucom

Paranormal Investigator

I have always been fascinated by the paranormal. My grandfather died when I was a child, and after that, I always felt his presence in my grandparent's house. Even though I have never seen an apparition, I have had many other personal experiences that have proven to me there is life after death. 

I became very interested in learning more about investigating after watching shows such as Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures. I have been investigating for close to 15 years and started off investigating with Lesla many years ago with another paranormal group. I am so thankful we have reconnected and are working together again. I believe that EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon) are, for the most part, undisputed evidence of the paranormal. During many investigations, I have recorded disembodied voices that I did not hear in person, but only upon review of my recorders. One of my most significant experiences to date was at an old farmhouse at Perryville Battlefield where I can only describe it as a spirit that went through me. It did not feel bad or negative, just simply use of my energy. I have seen shadows, heard noises, captured light anomalies, but I am still waiting for that holy grail in the paranormal world of capturing a full-body apparition on film. I also became interested in this field of study in order to help others. I want to help people not be afraid, but also to help the spirits move on if that is possible. 

I grew up in a strong Catholic family and have always wanted to have a better understanding of the battle between good and evil. I do believe they exist and I want to help those that are in peril. As an investigator with Serious Paranormal, I hope that our team can work together to provide comfort and safety for those that are in need. 

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