Betsy Darby

Paranormal Investigator

I have been interested in the paranormal since I was a pre-teen. I experienced many unexplained events in the house where I grew up, including knocking on doors, voices, a feeling that someone was always with you and shadow apparitions. Since that time, I have always felt like I was in-tune with something else that can’t be described, something that is there in the room and most times unseen. I’ve dedicated a lot of time in my life trying to give meaning to unexplained phenomena as well as help others give meaning to the paranormal events they experience. Understanding the history of the paranormal in Louisville, its folklore and the urban legends of this city have been my focus for several decades. The Witches Tree in Old Louisville, Sleepy Hollow Road, the Pope Lick Monster, the history of the Lady on the Stairs at the First Church of Christ Scientist and the history of the Seelbach’s Woman in Blue, Patricia Wilson, are a few of my favorites. A typical day will find me spending time focusing my studies on these legends. 

I’ve experienced things that would intrigue some and make the hair on others arms stand on end: full body apparitions, voices calling my name, lights and orbs, shadow figures, moved furniture and everything in-between. The more significant spiritual events that I’ve experienced can be described as some form of communication from the ghostly plane to ours. This has led me to focus on the role I play as a medium between the two. 

After joining Serious Paranormal as a guest during two public events and a team investigation at EP Tom Sawyer State Park, I jumped at the chance to join Serious Paranormal as an investigator. I am eager to work alongside the Serious team in order to document all those things that can’t be explained. As part of Serious Paranormal, I hope to help others find answers to their questions about paranormal activity as well as to relinquish their fears about the unknown.

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